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**WOW!** Please STOP calling.  See the **UPDATE** below.

A situation has arisen with the Freshmen Orientation being sponsored by Tea Party Patriots this weekend.  DC insiders, the RNC, and lobbyists are already trying to push the Tea Party aside and co-opt the incoming Congressmen.

Several days after the Tea Party Patriots (TPP) announced their Freshman Orientation, another organization, Claremont Institute, announced that they were having one too…on the same day…at the same time. The Claremont Institute is promoting their event in a way that makes it appear as an “Official” Freshman Orientation, and it is causing some confusion with the Freshmen.  The TPP attempted to reach out to the Claremont Institute to address this, even offering to combine the events, but were rudely rebuffed.

So be it…GAME ON!

Here’s what you need to do:  On the TPP site about this there is a list of all incoming Freshmen who have been invited to attend.  Please check the list and call AND email the Freshmen for your state, especially if they are your Representative, and let them know your opinion.

**UPDATE**  Great job, patriots! The TPP now reports that we were heard loud and clear.  In fact, you were heard SO well that the TPP is asking that we STOP CALLING…for now.  E-mailing them is probably still ok, however.  Every congressperson-elect reportedly received over 500 calls each within a 24-hour period.  You can get the full report from the TPP here.

The Democrats lost big in the recent election.  But behind the scenes, a different story emerges.  Most of the Democrat losses were amongst Moderates.  Progressives escaped with few casualties…a fact that they are apparently VERY happy about since Progressives now no longer have to drag along the “dead weight”.  So what are the Progressives’ plans?  Full speed ahead and d**n the torpedoes.

As I’ve stated a couple months back elsewhere, this is to be expected and the lame duck session will quite possibly be vicious.  You can read about the Progressives’ thoughts and plans from their own site: Institute for Policy Studies.

(h/t NewZeal)

A symianopogenic music video from the Minnesotans 4 Global Warming.

Definition: symianopogenic: Monkees-shaped.  (Yes…it’s a made up word for the sake of a play on words.)

Just a little fun with this post. Tea Party people are often portrayed as ignorant (among other charges). Actually, they’re statistically better educated than the average population so imagine the chuckle I got when I found this little video from the Restoring Fear/Sanity rally held in DC on 10/30/2010. Keep in mind that the crowd was less diverse than a Tea Party rally but composed mostly of college age kids…pretty representative of the demographic of Jon Stewart’s and Stephen Colbert’s respective comedy shows…so I should be able to expect they have at least a minimal educational background. Actually, I don’t expect that, but I’m seldom wrong.

And, if you don’t know what a Keynesian is, then this video should be able to explain it sufficiently.

Somewhere around 91% of Black Americans vote for the Democrat Party, which is socially progressive/liberal and anti-religious. Yet Black Americans are statistically socially conservative and very religious. (Hint: This is also why Black patriots from the Founding Era are all but ignored in history…it’s next to impossible to discuss Black patriots while stripping them of religion…but that’s a subject for another post sometime.) But this plantation politics is coming to an end. This person’s dream is my dream to.

Where are the jobs?

If you want to create jobs, want a new job, or just need a job, this will explain why you’re frustrated.

Do you wish that we could return to a more civilized time when such invectives didn’t exist?

One of the biggest lies about the Health Care Reform law is that it doesn’t provide tax payer funded abortions. The truth is that it does…there’s absolutely nothing to stop it…and here’s a great explanation of the facts that verify this:

I have many reasons for opposing the HCR law (and we’re heavy HC users here) and this is one of my top 5 reasons.

As a Christian, what’s your responsibility regarding voting and your nation?


The debate last year about “Death Panels” in the Health Care Law was a heated one. Those who said there weren’t any in the HC Law were “technically” correct. That’s because the “Death Panels” were in the Stimulus Bill and they are already in place and staffed. This video explains it from one doctor’s perspective.

Rationing of health care starts January 1, 2013, unless the Health Care Law is repealed.